Sunday, February 20, 2011


“People judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You May have a heart of gold, but so does a hard boiled egg”
(Good Reading). A thousand words will not leave as lasting an impression as one deed. Connect your good intentions with awesome actions. If you don’t do it, you don’t really believe it.

Some people spend their whole time searching for what’s right, but then they can’t seem to find any time to practice it. Remember, knowing what is right to do and then not doing it is wrong. Your life story is not written with a pen, but with your actions. To do nothing is the way to be nothing.

Action subdues fears

When we challenge our fears, we master them. When we wrestle with our problems, they lose their grip on us. When we dare to confront the things that scare us, we open the door to personal liberty.

Momentum doesn’t just happen

The common conception is that motivation leads to action, but the reverse is true – action precedes motivation” (Robert McKain). Don’t wait to be motivated. “Take the bull by the horns until you have him screaming for mercy” (Michael Cadena).

Laziness is a load.

Expectation is the idle man’s income ironically, idleness is persistent. It keeps on and on, but soon enough it arrives at poverty.
“There is no idleness without a thousand troubles” (Welsh proverb). We are weakest when we try to get something for nothing. Proverb says, “hard work brings prosperity; playing around brings poverty.”
Henry Ford once Ford once commented, “You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do.” “Shun idleness. It is rust that attaches itself to the most brilliant of metals” (Voltaire). We need to be like a cross between a carrier pigeon and a woodpecker: he not only carries the message, but he also knocks on the door.
A man of words and not of deeds is like a flower bed full of weeds. Don’t let weeds grow around your dreams. To only dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are. Don’t just dream of great accomplishments; stay awake and do them.